Pond Eddy UMC Food Pantry -- # 2386F

The grant from Jazzy’s Place has been an enormous gift for our clients who own dogs.

Many of these folks are told that their pets are a luxury and should be given up when they fall on hard times, that precious resources shouldn’t be used to maintain animals in the home.

But for many of these families, their pets are members of their households, and no more expendable than any other family member. Some of these animals are companions to children, elderly, and folks with debilitating illnesses. Some are a second set of ears at night for people who live alone, or are single parents. And it is well-documented that caring for an animal as many psychological and physiological benefits, including reduced stress, anxiety, and depression; lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels; improved cardiovascular health; elevated levels of certain serotonin and dopamine, which calm and relax; and the list goes on.

Because of society’s prejudice and narrow mindset, many of our clients have been hesitant about disclosing that they own pets, fearful that the assistance we give may be reduced or withdrawn. However, as they have come to understand that their pets are important to us too, we have been able to help more families care appropriately for their four-legged loved ones.

Without the Jazzy’s Place grant, this would not have been possible. - Margie Liebla

Rondout Valley Food Pantry
The families are always very grateful. We order the canned salvage dog food at this time due to space concerns as well as concerns regarding rodents & bugs with the dry food. The clients seem to prefer the canned. The grant has been nice since we can just order the dog food and not worry what other people food item we are ordering less of. – B. Economos

New Day Food Pantry
Families indicate they are fortunate that someone out there actually cares enough to offer this opportunity. Many of the families admitted they were feeding their dog leftovers which may not be a healthy best choice for our pets. – Sherenelle Sumner

North Main Street United Methodist Church Food Pantry, Gloversville NY # 1782F
When we heard that there would be a grant offered to our Pantry to feed the family dogs of our clients, we were overjoyed!! 
During the three plus years since we have been open we have had many inquiries about this very thing. People were often desperate in their frequent inability to feed their dogs, otherwise known as their fur babies!! When we were asked to collect information about their dogs to be sent to the Regional Food Bank, they were so happy to oblige and excited at the prospect of receiving help with feeding their dogs. Some had been wrestling with the prospect of surrendering their dogs to a shelter.
The day came that the Pantry was open for our monthly distribution. Some people literally jumped for joy, like a little child would, when they spotted the dog food. And they were so thankful!! It is a true blessing that I am so happy to be part of. We currently are serving 25 to 30 pet families per month. Some families have more than one dog.
We ask God’s blessing on the wonderful Caplan-Bensley Foundation that gives us nourishment for our faithful companions. May your hearts be light as you continue to serve in Jazzy’s honor.
Judith A. Davis

The Shepherd’s Pantry, White Lake, NY
The Shepherd’s Pantry in White Lake would like to offer our most sincerest of thanks to the Caplan family for their dedication in honoring their Jazzy and forming Jazzy’s Place. Each day we face families that are struggling to meet the day to day needs of life, providing shelter and food is a daily struggle. Jazzy’s Place has provided the opportunity for families to rest knowing their faithful and unconditional loving dogs will not have to be hungry but can rest with a full stomach and peaceful heart.

* God said I need somebody who would stand at your side when the world around you collapses. Somebody to lie next to you during the long nights of pain and sorrow when it hurts to move, or talk, or think, or be. Somebody to stand guard, play games, snore for hours, and repeat as needed. Somebody to give you strength when you have none of your own. Somebody to fight when you have no fight left, to hold onto your soul as if it were their favorite toy, playing tug of war to keep you in this world. Somebody to be your companion and guide in this world and the next. So God made a dog.

Jazzy’s grant enables us to order more food for the Fur-Babies in needy families. Prior to this we handed out dog food to 6 to 8 families who had approached us. This has opened the door to helping so many more. – Coralie Bloom

TOUCH – Together Our Unity Can Heal, Inc. – Congers, NY
We already had several members take advantage of the food set up. I would estimate that in the brief time since set-up, we have serviced several members who each have dogs. Again, the feedback has been phenomenal. Even those members that don’t have pets comment on what a good program it is. We have assisted approximately 10 dogs that have been helped by the Jazzy’s initiative. – Joel A. Grossbarth

Ulster Heights UMC Food Pantry
The unconditional love and support animals offer us is such a blessing in people’s lives and I thank you so much for helping me keep families together and fed. Now not only are their hearts filled but their stomachs as well. – Karen Beilman

Grace Episcopal Church – # 2233F
We, at Grace Episcopal Church would like to say a big, warm thank you to the Jazzy’s Place dog food program. Many of our neighbors are senior citizens and all they have left to love is their pet dog. With budgets decreasing, it has become more and more difficult to feed themselves, let alone their dog. Many neighbors in general forfeit medication in order to buy food for themselves to live or pay their rent.

That is where Jazzy’s Place comes in. By us being able to offer food to their dog, they become empowered knowing their best friend is going to be okay. Please understand in this particular population, loneliness is a crisis. In a way, you (Jazzy) are giving them life back. It is not their dog it is their reason to go on. 

Thank you to the wonderful people behind Jazzy’s Place for bringing life back to our community. - Co / Directors: Patricia Rennish, Anita Gawronski

St. Charles Helping Hands Food Pantry
Jazzy’s Dog Food – smiles so BIG, tears of happiness like you wouldn’t believe!! You must remember that their dogs are true members of their family!! Please tell David and Maria Caplan that Jazzy’s Foundation is a TOTAL SUCCESS AT ST. CHARLES HELPING HANDS PANTRY IN GARDINER, NY.!!!!!! Jazzy is considered a “HERO” in Gardiner!!! – Jean LeRose

St. Francis of Assisi Food Pantry, Newburgh, NY
This program is VERY popular. We see lots of smiles from our clients! We have been distributing dog food every other week. There is a very large demand. The grant is very cost effective because we have been able to purchase all of the dog food from the Food Bank at sixteen cents a pound. At that price, we can get the maximum amount of food to the most people. But I expect the grant to be exhausted by December 31, 2013. Please tell the foundation that our clients are most grateful for the Jazzy’s Place program. It has helped alleviate the cost of taking care of their pets, and that leaves more money for the people. Thank you. – John Yablonsky

The Patterson Food Pantry – Patterson, NY
We are very thankful for the Jazzy’s Place Grant. We have been able to help even more families that have dogs. – Marion Swarm-Becker

Good Neighbor Food Pantry
Thank you so much for helping us feed the beloved pets of our patrons at the Good Neighbor food pantry. We depend on Jazzy to help us feed their “best friends”. We feed at least 2200 people per month and most families have pets. Because of the difficult economic circumstances they have an impossible time feeding the ones that love them unconditionally. Thank you the blessed grant. We hope to continue this relationship in the future.


Town of Montgomery
Our dog parents were very appreciative and commented on the high cost of dog food. One family with multiple dogs stated that this grant will help them to keep all of their dogs. Many thanks to the Foundation for allowing us to participate in this very worthwhile project. – Carol

Four Paws Food Pantry, Saugerties, NY
We have helped about 60 families feed their dogs every month.  We so appreciate this grant.  It has eased the stress on our financial situation here at the shelter’s Four Paws Food Pantry.  The kindness we have been able to extend in Jazzy’s name has been wonderful.  People can just not thank us enough.  – Debi Welle

People to People – West Nyack, NY
The program has been very successful, and the families we provided the dog food to were very grateful for the assistance. We know that this effort is making it easier for our clients to keep their family pets, and eases the burden on them substantially. We are very grateful for anything we can do to help the families who come to us – just to put food on their tables – and help them as they work towards regaining self-sufficiency. – Jennifer Brady


Cooperstown Food Pantry -- # 714 FP
The Cooperstown Food Pantry has had a very positive response to our new Jazzy’s Place dog food distribution program. In October 2015 we assisted 205 households – and 199 dogs. We had considered offering pet food to our clients in the past, but had concerns over the perception of our community donors that we were spending funds to feed animals when people were in need. The generosity of the Caplan-Bensley Foundation allows us to assure food pantry donors that their donations go entirely to feed people in need and has inspired us to create a similar program for cats “Wednesday’s Café” name for a volunteer’s cat Wednesday.

One of our very first clients assisted by Jazzy’s Place was a man struggling to hold his life together after a job loss. When offered dog food he broke down and cried – his family was pressuring him to give up his dog, which he struggled to feed. He shared with us “My dog is my best friend, I have had him for eight years and I will go hungry before he does, now we can both eat tonight”.

Thank you Caplan-Bensley Foundation for helping us to make an important difference in our community!

Reservoir Food Pantry - # 2539F    Jazzy’s Place grant – dogs are where the heart is.

Here in Ulster County, many of our clients live a rural lifestyle. Many households naturally and typically, include a dog – often more than one!  We have clients who’s sole companionship is their beloved fur-partner. So, it’s not surprising that when dog food is available in our pantry we see faces light up with genuine relief and gratitude. Dogs are much loved in our region and cherished members of hundreds of local households!

When dogs are not fed properly, vet bills, which might get compromised, may be on the horizon. Moreover, household stress will be exacerbated when a valued member of the family is not getting proper nutrition. So needless to say, when dog food is available, it goes extremely fast – not a crumb goes by the wayside! We know with full certainty when this need is fulfilled for dogs in our community, we’ll have a happier population around us.

We sincerely hope to provide quality sustenance for these very important “extended shoppers”! 

Thank you so very much, Jazzy’s Place dog food grant and the Caplan-Bensley Foundation!